Autumn hedge trimming season begins
At the end of September into October we start our annual "Laurel" (Prunus laurocerasus) hedge trimming. Over the past 20 years I have been reducing, even removing a lot of the "Cherry Laurel" hedges that had out grown their purpose. Originally intended as protection for the newly introduced plants via the "Plant Hunters" during the early 1900's. The hedges became boundaries for the bays within the woodland garden. Until they got so large they were actually blocking light and stopping any air movement throughout the garden. The hedge cutting took from October the 1st all the way up to Christmas, where now all hedges can be completed in less than a fortnight. The ones in the Car Park are getting a bit more work done on them to reduce their height purely for ease of maintenance.

"Cherry Laurel" hedge reduction

Laurel hedge trimming